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Immerse Yourself

With the size of TV's today it is clear we are looking to be completely immersed into an experience.  Sound is just as important as vision and it is impossible to get vibrant sound from the tiny speakers that are built into your ultra thin flat screen. From 5.1 to a Dolby Atmos 13.6.8 system we are Long Island's Surround Sound experts. Extreme AVS prefers a distraction free space (Home Theater) to fully envelop you into your favorite content. We look forward to helping you understand everything about these amazing systems that help you escape and reset in the comfort of your home.

Extreme AVS can create universes of sound around you, totally immersing you in a story. Watch the video to find out about Dolby Atmos.

Dolby Surround Sound Installation Sound Experts

What Is Surround Sound:

 Surround Sound is an audio output which immerses the audience. These audio systems use three or more speakers in front and behind the listener to create an envelope with 360 degrees of sound. This is an amazing experience that enhances movie tracks, concerts, video gaming and other media that is encoded with proper digital formats.

What Is Atmos: 

A Dolby Atmos surround sound system places speakers above the audience. Atmos is more than just installing a few speakers in the ceiling.  An actual Atmos system allows sound engineers to manipulate distinct audio output frequencies and creates a 3D audio sound field. Individual sounds can be engineered to be heard anywhere in the room, from Jets flying overhead and far away to coming right at you in front of your nose.

Long Island Surrond Sound Company
Long Island Surround Sound Company

Do I Need Surround Sound: 

This is one of the three basic principles of an immersive home theater experience. The purpose of surround sound, a big screen and a distraction free space is to help you focus only on the media content being played. This is very difficult to achieve in a standard living room or media room. Think about when you go to a movie theater and all these elements exist but then a baby in the audience starts to cry or someones cell phone rings. These distractions are disturbing because you were immersed in the content and the outside world dissipated.  No matter how many speakers, how large a screen or how much money you spend, you will never be fully immersed unless you eliminate all outside distractions.



Serving Suffolk County Including:

Amagansett, Belle Terre, Bellport, Bridgehampton, Brightwaters,
Centerport, Cold Spring Harbor, Cutchogue, East Hampton, East Moriches
East Quogue, East Setauket, Eastport, Greenlawn, Hampton Bays, Huntington,
Laurel, Melville, Montauk, Nesconset, Northport, North Haven, North Sea

Northwest Harbor, Peconic, Port Jefferson, Quogue, Remsenburg, Sag Harbor,

Sagaponack, Saint James, Setauket, Shelter Island, Shelter Island Heights,
Smithtown, Southampton, Speonk, Stony Brook, Wainscott, Water Mill,

West Hampton Dunes, Westhampton, Westhampton Beach

34 E Main St Suite 200, Smithtown, NY 11787   |  Mon - Fri 9am - 5pm or By Appt. |

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